Fix Website Broken Links and 404 Errors

Visitors love websites that function smoothly. Your visitors are most likely to become your customers, if your site offers them a pleasant user-experience. However, broken links and 404 errors can annoy your visitors, thereby dropping your conversions. So, boost your website visitor and conversions and sales by fixing all the broken links and 404 errors.

What is actually 404 Broken Links

Please find the below image representation of 404 broken links

Why Fix Your Website’s Broken Links and 404 Errors

1. Potential Customers Stay on Your Site

When visitors click a broken link that takes them to a 404 error, they are most likely to leave your site next. In most cases, a visitor doesn’t click the “Back” button, and doesn’t revisit your website. Eliminate the risk of losing your prospective customers by solving 404 errors and fixing broken links.

2. Your Bounce Rate is Low

Bounce rate is one of the factors Google and other search engines consider to rank a web page. A high bounce rate is a red flag for a search engine. Because of a high bounce rate, the search engine may consider your web page, or sometimes the whole site, as irrelevant. By fixing your site’s 404 errors and broken links, you can lower your bounce rate substantially.

3. Your Google Ranking is Safe

If Google sees visitors leaving your site within seconds of entering, it assumes that the visitors didn’t find what they were searching. In such a case, Google removes the web page from its searches, considering it irrelevant. When you eliminate all your broken links and 404 errors, your site has a high ranking in Google.

Free Tools to Find Broken Links:

Eliminating all 404 errors and broken links from your site can give a stellar boost to your conversions and sales. It can also increase your repeat sales significantly.

Contact me to solve the problem for you.

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